Shine On, B2B Marketer

Dave Barton
October 19, 2020

Well, I happened to combine a few episodes of Bly Manor with a viewing of ‘The Shining’ the other night (hey, it’s nearly Halloween).

Aside from jumping at the sight of a standing lamp in my peripherals during the small hours of the morning; the experience got me thinking about how the two superb directors (namely Mike Flanagan & Stanley Kubrick) behind these visual adaptations of two celebrated novels (‘The Turn Of The Screw’ &, well, ‘The Shining’) managed to faithfully translate them to the screen.

The answer is: they didn’t.

They understood that a literal ‘lift & shift’ from page to celluloid (for whatever reason) wouldn’t make sense. So they created their own interpretations.

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They saw the bigger picture in both cases — & knew that to elevate the subject matter into a new medium, they’d need to offer something equally as unique — even if it meant straying from the source material.

And so it is with B2B & tech marketing. When presented with an intricately designed SaaS product or platform, why simply extol the nuts & bolts of what each one contains, when the media you’re going to use — be it a website, blog, Facebook ad, event, whatever — demands an augmented narrative?

Anything worth exploring deeper merits being looked at from a variety of perspectives — whether a painting, business proposition, or tech platform — to enrich people’s underst&ing of it. When they understand it, they relate to it, remember it, & are more likely to act on it.

And if it makes someone scream (if that’s what you’re going for), more’s the better — you got an authentic emotional reaction.

Written by

Dave Barton

Creative copywriter with startup and blockchain savvy. Seduced by novelty. Nourished by variety. Sustained by irony.

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